


that time of year again for our members to pay their dues. The Foundation

and its work depend on you to allow us to meet our mission and spread

information around the world about VCFS.  Please send your Membership

Form (see below) and dues to Lisa Jennings, Secretary, VCFS

Educational Foundation, 385 North Street, Weymouth, MA 02191. Dues are $40

per single member, $50 for family membership, $20 for students.


Membership categories are as follows:

Membership Types

  • Single:    $40
  • Family:   $50
  • Student:  $20
  • Membership Form

    ( Use page controls to print )

Adobe  Acrobat Reader is required for membership form.

 Click on the icon to download the latest version.


Note:  In cases of hardship, The Foundation will

grant membership without the collecting dues.  If applicable, please check the

appropriate box the membership application.

Optional Contributions of $5.00 are also accepted for each of the

Caitlin Lynch Memorial Fund, which provides scholarships for our annual meeting,

and/or the Tony Lipson Memorial Fund, which helps members from Australia to

attend our annual meetings.

Please mail your checks or money orders payable to:

VCFS Educational Foundation, Inc.

c/o Lisa Jennings

385 North St

Weymouth, MA 02191

Telephone: 781-335-6652


Your dues are tax deductible, as are any additional donations you choose to

make.  Your canceled check will be your receipt, unless you request otherwise.

If you’d rather pay via credit card, go to

Online Dues Payment

and we’ll gladly accept your credit card via the Pay Pal system.

Thank you for helping to fulfill the mission of The Foundation.