2008-2009 Officers & Council Members


Executive Dir. (2011) Karen J. Golding-Kushner, Ph.D
PO Box 874
Milltown, New Jersey  08850
[email protected]
[email protected] President (2009) Jennifer Lewandowski
200 Woodslee Drive
Troy, Michigan 48083
[email protected] Treasurer (2010) Jeff Landsman
914 Hidden Cave Road
Madison, WI 53717
(608) 255-7277 (work)
(608) 833-9141 (home)
(608) 225-5745 (cell)
(608) 255-6006 fax
[email protected] Secretary (2010) Carrie Heran
5708 Bluffs Dr .
Rocklin, CA 95765-172 9
916-624-1711 hom e
916-759-9281 cel l
[email protected] Editor (2009) Tony J. Simon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of California, Davis
Cognitive Analysis & Brain Imaging Laboratory

M.I.N.D. Institute
2825 50th Street, Rm. 2341
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tel. 916-703-0407
Fax. 916-703-0244
[email protected]


Professional Council:

2009 Bronwyn Glaser
16-18 bd St Georges
CH-1211 Geneva 8
+41.22.327.43.02 (Work Phone)
+41.22.321.70.43 (Home Phone)
+41.78.910.50.60 (Cell) [email protected] 2010

Merav Burg
Emek Dotan 67/4
Modiin 71703
Cell 972-542-456110
Home 972-8-9716921
[email protected]

2011 Wendy Kates, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
4205 Institute For Human Performance
Upstate Medical University
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 464-3270


Lay Council:



Amyel Garnaoui
via Biferno, 4
00199 Rome-Italy
Home 0039 06 97270585
Cell. 0039 349 1909312
[email protected] 2010 Jennifer Stevens
304 Laurel Court Point
Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742
home (732)899-0511
cell (732)859-7180
[email protected] 2011

Philippe DE CLERCQ
17 avenue Montgolfier
Home 33 (0)1 43023280
Work 33 (0)1 48129201
Cell 33 (0)6 07099602
Email: [email protected]



Past Executive Dir Robert J. Shprintzen, Ph.D,
Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome International Center Upstate Medical University
725 Irving Ave., suite 504
Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315-464-6597 or 4806
Fax: 315-464-6598
email: [email protected] Past President Keri Alexander
411 Fall Creek
Richardson, Texas 75080
Mobile:  972-889-1103
[email protected]


Regional Directors

Continental Europe
Professor Stephan Eliez, MD
Director of Child Psychiatry and Special Education
Service Médico-Pédagogique
University of Geneva School of Medecine
Rue David Dufour 1Case postale 50
Case postale 50
1211 Geneva 8
+4122 388 67 41 (adm. assistant) 
+4122 388 67 43 (direct)
+4179 322 89 79 (cell)
Fax: +4122 388 67 69

United States and Canada
Dianne Altuna
[email protected]

Donna Cutler-Landsman
914 Hidden Cave Road
Madison, WI 53717 USA
(608) 833-9141
[email protected] or [email protected]

Latin America
Antonio Ysunza, M. D. Sc. D.
Arteaga y Salazar 330-1 Col.
Contadero Del.
Cuajimalpa México, D. F.
05500 525558134040 (home)
525555685086 (off)
525556527996 ( “)
[email protected] [email protected]

Australia and Pacific Rim
Stephen Russell
Regional Director, Australia/Asia
Past president, VCFS Educational Foundation, Inc President, VCFS Foundation (Queensland) Inc. Phone: +61 (0) 7 3004 8810
Email: [email protected]

United Kingdom
Ahmad Al-Khattat PhD
41 Norfolk Street
Northampton, NN2 6HR, UK
Tel: + 44 1604 714424
Mobile: + 44 7986668178
E-mail: [email protected]

Middle East
Doron Gothelf, M.D.
Child Psychiatrist
Director of the Behavioral Neurogenetics Center Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel
14 Kaplan St., Petah Tiqwa, Israel
Fax: 972-3-925-3864
Email: [email protected]