A three year prospective study of leg pains in VCFS

A three year prospective study of leg pains in VCFS


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Table of Contents

A three year prospective study of leg pains in VCFS

Leg pain in VCFS

Leg pain of unknown cause

Prevalence of growing pains in previous studies

Questionnaire survey

Prevalence of leg pain of unknown cause

Leg pain of unknown cause

Leg pain in each age category

Age distribution in both samples


Site of pain

Frequency of leg pain episodes

Frequency of leg pain episodes

Timing of leg pain episodes

Duration of leg pain episodes

Severity of leg pain episodes

Prevalence of sleep disturbance in the general population

Sleep disturbance

Sleep disturbance in each age category

Age distribution in both samples


Frequency of sleep disturbance

Frequency of sleep disturbance

Experience of pain with no complaining

Sleep disturbance with leg pain

Sleep disturbance for no obvious reason

Sleep disturbance with kicking the legs

Kicking the legs with no leg pain complaint

Kicking the legs with no leg pain complaint

Sleep disturbance with rubbing the legs

Rubbing the legs with no leg pain complaint

Rubbing the legs with no leg pain complaint

Sleep disturbance with crying

Difficulty with exercise

Exercise intolerance in each age category


Complaining of pain with exercise

Lagging behind during walking

Lagging behind with no complaint

Demanding to be picked up

Demanding to be picked up with no complaint

Crying with exercise

Crying without a complaint during exercise


Response to treatment

Continuation of insole use

Insole perception

Effect on leg pain

Effect on sleep disturbance

Effect on exercise






Author: I T Services

Email: [email protected]

Home Page: https://www.vcfsef.org

Other information:
The information provided in this presentation is for your information and education ONLY, and does not replace the counsel of qualified medical professionals.