VCFSEF News and Updates

VCFSEF News and Updates

Please register below using the NEW forms for the VCFSEF News and Update email list. The previous subscriber list was deleted effective May 7th, 2004, in order to fully comply with new federal anti-spam guidelines… Thank you for your assistance.

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To join the Foundation or renew your membership, click here

Non-member status does not prevent you from receiving the e-newsletter and updates.
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List countries or specialities other than those listed. Other *brief* comments as required.
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Email / PDF
NEED paper copy

Privacy Statement: The VCFS Educational Foundation, Inc uses your informatoin SOLELY for the purposes of direct contact with you BY the Foundation, to electronically distribute newsletters and informational updates regarding VCFS and Foundation events, as outlined .

The Foundation DOES NOT sell or otherwise share it’s subscriber’s information with any other entity.

Each electronic communication from the Foundation will contain a link to allow you to immediately disenroll from our database, if you so choose.