Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Educational
Best Western Hotel and Conference Center
Baltimore, Maryland
July 21-23, 2000
The 6th Annual Meeting of The Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Educational Foundation, Inc. will be held in Baltimore, Maryland; from noon on July 21st to noon on July 23rd, 2000. The following items are available below:
- Narrative Description of Program
- Detailed Program Agenda
- MEMBERSHIP Application Form
- Tour of the Woods Fundraiser! (check this out!)
- About Your Speakers ! Brief biographies of Conference Speakers.
(Note: Viewing and printing the Abstract Form and Pre-Registration forms requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have it, you may download the latest version from this site:
Further registrations will be handled at the door at the conference. Thank you for your interest. |
The meeting will be held at the Best Western Hotel and Conference Center in Baltimore, a short distance from the fabulous Inner Harbor in Baltimore. Very favorable rates of $95 per night per room (up to four people per room) make this a wonderful opportunity to take in one of the nation’s hottest tourist locations while attending the meeting. IMPORTANT: To get the $95.00 rate, you must CALL the toll-free number at 1-800-633-9511, and tell them it is for the “National Velocardio Facial Syndrome Foundation” meeting. You cannot get the reduced rate using their online reservation system.
As usual, the meeting will begin Friday, July 21 at noon and conclude on Sunday, July 23 at noon. An optional opening reception and dinner will be held in the hotel Friday night…always a great time with a few special surprises this year. Social functions for Saturday are also being planned.
An innovative program will be presented, but your participation is key. If you have any program suggestions, please forward them to the Foundation office by email, fax, or snail mail (addresses listed below). An abstract form will be in the newsletter, should you wish to submit a professional/scientific paper, lay presentation, seminar, etc.
The meeting in Baltimore is being hosted by The Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Mid-Atlantic Support Group,one of the largest and most active VCFS family support groups in the United States. We have continued to keep our registration fees as low as humanly possible to encourage participation from everyone. Scholarship requests, as in past years, may be submitted in writing to the Foundation office.
Over the past five years, over 1,000 people have taken advantage of this meeting. This means that information has been spread successfully to people who previously may not have had access to it. Come and help us increase that number to new unprecedented heights.
The success and life-blood of the Foundation is its membership, the personal contact it promotes, and the open exchange between lay member and professionals. If you have never attended a meeting, let the 2000 meeting be your first. If you have already attended, come back to renew friendships made in past years. In addition to friendship and learning, this year we can give you crab cakes, the National Aquarium, The Maryland Science Center, Camden Yard, boats and more boats, great food, and tons of shopping by the water.
- More information about the Inner Harbor?
- More information about other Baltimore Attractions?
The Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association. (800)343-3468.
For additional information, contact the Foundation office by:
– Phone: 315-464-6590
– Fax: 315-464-5321
– Email: [email protected] (new email address)