The Announcement The 14 th Annual International Scientific Meeting of The Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Educational Foundation, Inc. will be held in the Dallas-Fort Worth area from July 20 -22, 2007. The meeting will be at the Dallas/Plano Marriott at Legacy Town Center, a beautiful state-of-the art facility with special room rate of $109.00 per night, for our members. The meeting will start at 8:30 on Friday and end between noon and 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. As in past years, the meeting will feature many of the world’s leading experts in VCFS covering issues including (but not limited to) learning, psychiatric disorders, speech, peer relations, physical findings, and more. Also as in past years, informal consultations with experts are available for speech problems, leg pains, feeding issues, and behavioral problems. You may bring your child to these consultations and have the opportunity to interact one-on-one with experts who have vast experience with VCFS. We will also feature lunches and breakfasts with the experts. These informal sessions with some of the leading scientists in the world allow direct questioning and discussion in an informal setting at breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and lunch on Saturday. There is no extra fee for the informal consultations or lunches/breakfasts. There will also be ample time for questions during the formal part of the meeting. The final program will be available on the Foundation’s web site in May. Finally, do take advantage of the social functions at the meeting. One highlight will be the annual dinner on Friday night. Although there is a separate charge for the dinner, we have kept costs down. As an added incentive, we will be visited by the famous Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders at the dinner….not to be missed. ————————————— Meeting Agenda and Registration Information ——————————–
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