A word about our support
groups. . .
The support groups are established to aid parents and family members in
dealing with and learning about the many facets of caring for a person with
Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome. The groups are educational and supportive in
nature, and are NOT medical service providers, nor do they give medical advice
or opinion. Medical advice should be obtained ONLY from a qualified medical
professional. If the support group or person you choose does not have knowledge
of qualified medical professionals in your area who are familiar with VCFS,
please contact the Foundation Office and
we will attempt to direct you, if possible, to someone in your area.
Support Group information is updated as often as new ones are established.
If you don’t find one in your area, please
contact the Foundation Office with your request. Also, if you have
information regarding a support group that we have not listed, please
notify us immediately.