Good day ladies and gentlemen !
I’m Kelvin, and I maintain the web site for the Foundation. I also respond to some of your initial non-technical emails, pass on your questions to Dr. Kushner and the team, and. . . handle the technical (pc) aspect of publishing your periodic newletter, as well as answer some other general inquiries like membership questions and requests for information. I alsohandled the pre-registration and support work for the Annual Conference, for the past few years; but, that should be moving on, now.
But, the web site and newsletter is an “additional duty” for me, so I don’t always get things updated as quickly as I’d like, but. . . hang in there. Rest assured, I’m working on it, as time permits.
If you need it and don’t see it, email me and ask me for it, and I’ll do my best.
All that said, it’s a pleasure serving you. Have an AWESOME day!